The paper-based deposit slip

On each quarterly due date, all declaring companies must compile a deposit slip ON-LINE at the same time as they pay their contributions by way of their chosen method.

For the payment of residual contributions or those to be settled, the paper form may still be used.
Companies having residual contributions, that is to say those after the agency agreement has been terminated, must compile the appropriate paper form G14, which is available on Enasarco Foundation’s site, indicating the applicable period (the last quarter in which the agreement was active) and the date of termination of the relationship. The payment of contributions must be made only by the declaring company, by bank transfer to current account no. 2050 in the name of Fondazione Enasarco at Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, Enasarco Agency – Via A. Usodimare, 29 – 00154 Rome (ABI 1005 – CAB 03395 – SWIFT: BNLIITRR – IBAN: IT91W0100503395000000002050). Transfers are to be made only in Euros.

In the case of settlement of contributions relating to previous years which were not paid, the correct applicable period for the payment must be shown.
The form may also be downloaded (in PDF format) from the forms page.
On the form for the fourth quarter, there is also a column for entering FIRR contributions.

If you have not found the answers to your questions, send us an e-mail and we’ll reply promptly.

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