Servizi e prestazioni

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Totale 157 risultati

L’Assemblea dei delegati dura in carica quattro anni ed è composta attualmente da: nome info Claudio ALBONETTI …

To access this feature the principal must be registered to inEnasarco website . The on -line register of manda …

Companies wishing to register to inEnasarco (the reserved area dedicated to online services) must have Enasarc …

In accordance with art. 2, paragraph 1, of the existing regulation of institutional activities, the requiremen …

The retirement bonus fund ( Firr ) comprises amounts that are set aside at Enasarco by firms in favor of their …

On all amounts due for any reason to the agent (commissions , expenses, production bonuses , payment in lieu o …

Companies are required to set aside a sum per annum in relation to commissions paid to agents, according to ra …